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Kronos 1.7.0 (Sega Saturn) – New renderer

Kronos 1.7.0 is now available on the buildbot ! The major change since 1.6.0 is a complete rewrite of the glcore renderer by its author FCare over the last 6 months, it allowed to fix a ton of graphical issues.

As usual, the emulator is a good alternative to beetle-saturn if your CPU isn’t fast enough, or if you want features like resolution upscaling.

The minimal requirement is still a GPU with OpenGL 3.3 support. On a sidenote, there are probably still issues with some Intel gpus, especially on windows, sadly the issue is clearly on Intel drivers’s side so we have no plans to search for a fix any further. However if there is an Intel gpu guru around, help is welcome !

One last exciting thing, writing a Vulkan renderer has been added to the roadmap, don’t ask for an ETA though.

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