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Doom 3 Libretro core dhewm3 coming soon to Core Updater!

The #Doom 3 source port dhewm3 finally hits #Libretro/#RetroArch, allowing you to play Doom 3 natively on #RetroArch! This is all thanks to the efforts of Rinnegatamante, who previously did the Quake 2 and 3 source ports to libretro/RetroArch.

In the video above you will see us running through the beginning sections. This video was recorded at a resolution of 1440p (256×1440) running at 120 frames per second. To top all this off, internally the game is rendering at a 4K resolution (3840×2160), yet it still outputs to 1440p ultimately.

This will hit the buildbot Core Downloader soon, targeting at first Linux and Windows. We will see which other platforms it can be ported to later on. It’s a far more demanding games than previous id Tech games at least.

Design decisions

Some decisions were made during the porting of this:

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